Read about the amazing programs and services being delivered by AORE individual members and organizational members! *Monthly member spotlights are brought to you by AORE's Recognition Committee.
AORE Members in Motion: UW-La Crosse
In collaboration with Residence Life, UW-La Crosse continues to run their Outdoor Recreation Living Learning Community. In this unique program, students live together in a residence hall and go on custom adventures together throughout the year. This allows students to develop lifelong friendships through the various kayaking, backpacking, canoeing, and camping trips and continue to grow together well after the program is completed.
AORE Members in Motion: Jeremy Oyen
Jeremy is the Manager of National Field Operations for REI. When we asked Jeremy about why he joined AORE, Jeremy responded, “ I first got connected with AORE when I was working for Cleveland Metroparks in the early 2000s. I wanted to become a strong voice within the organization and industry for all types of outdoor recreation and education.” Since becoming a member, he has been able to be that voice in multiple capacities, having previously served as both the chair and vice chair of AORE's board of directors. As to why Jeremy decided to volunteer in the first place, he said: “to advocate for what our association represents with the hope to share the love of the outdoors with future advocates and professionals.” Jeremy's experiences working as a volunteer leader also coincide with some of his favorite association memories, especially in regards to meeting and engaging with AORE members. He continues to volunteer with AORE even today, commenting: “...I believe in the work being done and the benefit we, as individuals and as an organization, can provide to others in the industry through our programs.”
Remember, be sure to send in your recommendations for AORE members you think should be spotlighted by the recognition committee in our "Members in Motion" series. We want to hear from you!
*Would you like to know more about the work our recognition committee does or maybe even become a volunteer? Our newsroom has you covered with all of the details you need to know! [Read More]