November 4 - 8, 2025 | San Diego, CA


Submit your proposal(s) by March 31, 2025!

From higher ed to private sector education programs, we need a diverse range of perspectives and topics. OPC is a casual, welcoming space where experiential learning is encouraged—no need for a lectern or formal attire. Whether you want to co-present with colleagues, facilitate a discussion, or lead a hands-on session, this is your chance to bring your ideas to the table! Come share your ideas, get feedback, and more. 

Learn more about submitting a proposal from our Make Your Mark session:

Learn More about OPC Education

Submit Your Sessions:

General Education Session

Pre/Post Conference Workshop

"My involvement with the OPC, especially when I was preparing for my presentations, helped me grow professionally and personally in more ways than I thought I'd be able to while still in my undergrad. The mentorship opportunities it gave me and the feedback from the process made me grow and develop into a much stronger professional, even at the beginning of my career."

- Em Dahlgren 

Choose Your Own Adventure ... OPC Edition!

We often get feedback after events from attendees wishing that one or two aspects could have been different. We are inclined to agree! The missing piece? You!

We need your input along the way to ensure it's an event designed for what you want and need.  This is your official invitation to help us plan our next Outdoor Professional Conference! 

Start the adventure below. Check out the timeline to the right (you can click to view it larger) to see how planning an annual conference works.

You’ve decided to embark on this journey (volunteering to help make OPC 25 the best yet)! Let’s go:

Decision 1:

Which conference area do I want to give my time to? You can select more than one!

Path A: Education

Path B: AORE Social

Path C: Vendor Relations

AnchorPath A - Education

I want to present at OPC 25.

I want to help shape the education schedule. 

  • Sign up to review submitted proposals.
  • Share what pre/post conference workshops & certifications should be at the OPC. Complete the form here. 
  • Share your ideas for plenary speakers.
  • (Share the Call for Proposals once it goes live! Our education comes from submissions, the more we have the wider variety of sessions we can provide!


Path B - AORE Social

Help us determine a location to host the AORE social.

  • What type of venue should we host the social at?

What activities should we have during the social?

  • Should we hire a band? Play lawn games? Host trivia? You help us decide and plan!

Decision 2:

How much time do I have to volunteer?

Once you decide how much time you have (ex: 1 hour per week, 2 hours per month, etc), Team AORE will work with you to get a plan together to move projects forward while respecting your time commitment. 

Decision 3:

Do I make it official? 

We hope so! Fill out this form to officially sign up to volunteer to make 2025’s Outdoor Professional Conference great! 

Sign Up to Volunteer

Please note that there will also be opportunities to volunteer onsite at the conference as well! 

"Co-hosting with AB provided support that AORE was able to benefit from. The sessions I attended were good and I met new folks and made good connections."

About the Conference

The Outdoor Professional Conference (OPC) is the gathering for professionals from across the industry who facilitate participant-facing outdoor recreation. This event is designed for attendees to be empowered, get connected, and stay relevant.

Through workshops, education sessions, networking opportunities, and the exhibit hall, the OPC focuses on addressing the trends, issues and challenges within facilitated recreation and also allows for shared learning for those who lead others.


We are working to intentionally connect employers with potential employees, brands with decision makers, and attendees with fellow trailblazers. We invite seasoned professionals to share their insight and experience with emerging professionals as we all come together to advance the outdoor profession and professional.

The Outdoor Professional Conference strives to empower participant facing outdoor recreation and education providers and facilitators by:

  • expanding collaboration between the outdoor industry and outdoor recreation and education

  • offering high quality educational opportunities

  • building and strengthening professional skills and knowledge

  • broadening networking opportunities

  • educating on advocacy and public policy efforts within the industry

  • amplifying the value and impact of outdoor recreation

Interested in being a speaker?

Submit Your General Education Session

Submit Your Pre/Post Conference Workshop


Remove Financial Constraints to Grow the Industry

We can’t offer the conference for free, as that would be perpetuating the cycle of low cost, low value. We offer this conference as an opportunity for outdoor recreation professionals to grow their skill sets and know their worth in the industry.  We know how important it is for outdoor professionals to have experiences like attending the OPC where they can use their voice to create change, inspire others, and continue to grow in the industry.

OPC is a valuable experience for all attendees who make the most out of their experience. We need your help to ensure that we can bring every facilitator who wants to be a part of the industry's growth and future. You can help by donating to our scholarship fund — this helps sponsor professionals trip to New Orleans to learn from industry experts and connect with fellow trailblazers. Attendees will find plenty of networking opportunities, job opportunities, workshops, and a robust exhibit hall.  

Quick Information


Coming Soon

Convention Center

San Diego Convention Center111 W Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101

Attendee Prospectus

Coming soon!

Justification Letter


"The sessions were really great! The content the presenters were speaking to was well thought out and current with trends many of us are facing. In addition, the conference rate this year made the conference more obtainable with university budget cuts!"

Why Co-Locating with the AB Show?

We are here to serve our members. As we have watched our membership change and grow over the years, we have taken note of how we can best support you. This partnership will give our members access to the same great networking opportunities and education you all know and love — but also expand opportunities with leadership and management. This will give you the opportunity to learn how to grow yourself - and the business of getting outside! Talking about ourselves, to ourselves is not going to advance our work — it is time to spread our wings and fly!

We are joining a 40 year conference with over 2,300 facility and program managers from around the world. These decision-makers come to the AB Show every year to learn new solutions from industry leaders, find new products and services and build community.