Environmental Stewardship
AORE is committed to promoting ecologically sound stewardship of the natural environment both internally and externally.
The AORE Environmental Stewardship Committee provides advice and recommendations to the AORE Board of Directors on matters relating to environmental stewardship. This includes making AORE and its member programs operate in a more environmentally sensitive way and advocating on environmentally-related public policy issues that affect the operations of AORE member programs.
Read AORE's Environmental Stewardship Statement
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is the nation’s leading organization in lifelong environmental learning, creating opportunities for people to experience and learn about the environment in ways that improve their lives and the health of the planet.
Creating tool kits & guides for successful land usage: We all love to enjoy the outdoors, but it's important to recognize all the different ways public lands can be used & appreciated.Guides like this help recognize special use areas and what you need to utilize them best.
Developing initiatives to green the AORE Annual Conference: It's all about practicing what we preach. We select future conference venues based on their environmental stewardship activities.
2016 AORE Green Conference Guidelines
Developing resources to help members green their programs: Sure, we recycle and some of us compost, but what else can we do do conserve natural resources at our program headquarters and in the field?
Environmental Stewardship Reflection Worksheet
Assisting the AORE Board of Directors in developing AORE policy positions on public policy issues relating to the environment and environmental stewardship: There are some issues that cannot be ignored. AORE advocates on environmentally-related public policy issues that affect the operations of AORE member programs and other similarly situated recreation and education programs.
Upcoming Events
Policy Pathways: Evolving Permits and Access for Public Lands
Risk Management for Outdoor Programs
Outdoor Rec Connect
Environmental Stewardship Lead & Learns
Hosted by the Environmental Stewardship Committee, these Lead and Learn session are intended for each attendee to both lead and learn during this session. Join to engage in discussion around Environmental Stewardship- we encourage you to bring successes, challenges, ideas, and stumbling blocks in your experience with the topic.
These sessions are FREE for AORE members and $15 for not-yet-members. To learn more about joining AORE, please visit our membership benefits page.
National Public Lands Day
Created by The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), National Public Lands Day is the nation's largest single-day volunteer event for public lands. Established in 1994 and held annually on the fourth Saturday in September, this celebration brings out thousands of volunteers to help restore and improve public lands around the country. NPLD is also a Fee-Free Day—one of only five days a year when entrance fees are waived at national parks and other public lands. It's never too late to start planning!
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