Sending Out Invitations

We’ve all been through a season of love (a seemingly endless few months where you see invitation after invitation to weddings, baby showers, graduation and birthday parties).  Sometimes it becomes hard to decide which event(s) you’re going to attend.  There are many factors to consider - a few of the big ones are timing, finances, and travel. We get it! 

Most outdoor conferences fall in the shoulder season - early Spring or late Fall - when programming is typically in a lull due to challenging weather.  This makes it particularly difficult to decide which conference is the right fit. We understand that everyone has to make the decision on where to spend their time and money and are looking for the best return on that investment.  They have to decide what professional development they need to advance their program and/or career; what relationships and networks they need to build or maintain for their work (or for that next career move) and where they can best understand industry trends and see the latest gear.

So while all of this is happening for a potential attendee - AORE is working to launch registration, secure presenters and put together the balance of the conference education. It is both the chicken AND the egg - building an event that has the right speakers and valuable content AND marketing it so that we can get folks secured to attend.

When we talk about getting folks to attend we are generally talking about courting two different groups - attendees and exhibitors.  As you might imagine, enticing each group looks completely different but both are equally important. In the spirit of transparency, here is a high level look at the work that goes into this: Should you decide that AORE’s Outdoor Professional Conference is the best fit for you - please know Team AORE is continuously working hard to ensure we deliver the best conference experience for you - from cost and location to networking opportunities and professional development. 

Ever have a question about AORE or what we're up to? Just ask! Reach out to us at!