Nicole Leah Pokorney
Extension Educator, University of Minnesota
(Extension Center for Youth Development)
AORE member and Global University 2019 participant


Describe how you first fell in love with nature. Why do you still love the wilderness today? 
Growing up, I was always outside and running wild. I remember camping all the time. And there were the archery tournaments with my mom and grandma that led me to fall in love with the sport. I enjoy the wilderness even more as an adult. My soul is truly free when I'm outside. I feel my best when I am hiking, discovering new places, and challenging myself during outdoor adventures.
Why are outdoor learning activities, recreation experiences, and adventure-based education opportunities important to personal growth and development?
Nature is so vital to brain and character development. I have witnessed the benefits of teaching youth outdoor skills and appreciation for the natural world. At all ages, play is important for stress relief and growth. And when that playtime happens in nature and through outdoor recreation, the benefits are increased by leaps and bounds. Experiential learning is the key to deepened learning and the outdoors provides unlimited opportunities to do so.
Why did you apply for Global University this year?
When I first saw the opportunity announced and read the description of the program and this year’s themes and goals, I felt an exhilarating rush of excitement at the possibility of being a part of such a special learning adventure. I decided I had to put myself out there by submitting an application and just go after what I wanted. I am looking forward to seeing how this additional professional development will help expand my capacity as a leader and professional working in the field of outdoor recreation.
Which educational session are you most looking forward to and why? 
I am looking forward to so many sessions that it is hard to pick one! From outdoor adventures in Costa Rica and building a cohort of strong women with shared interests to discussing centered leadership and examining research on the importance of health and wellbeing––each experience will contribute to growing my knowledge base and challenging myself.
Which outdoor activity are you most excited about and why? 
Paddle boarding! I am still new to the sport, so I want to gain the skills to maneuver through the water in a more controlled way. I also feel that beyond swimming, paddle boarding is the closest that you can get to the water while exploring.
Which location (city, national park, landmark, etc.) are you most eager to visit and why? 
Tortuguero National Park and the surrounding area. I haven't been to this area during my previous trips to Costa Rica because it always felt like a daunting journey to make it out there. From the Global University itinerary, it seems like this will be the chance that I’ve been dreaming of to really see the town, the sea turtles, and beautiful Baula Lodge.
In terms of professional development, which aspect of the trip are you most looking forward to and why?
This experience will give me the skills and confidence to plan robust international outdoor adventure programs with a service-learning component. Increasing access to these types of unique quality learning experiences would help our organization expand its youth membership. By participating in Global University, I hope to accomplish three goals:


What personal strengths do you bring to your work? How will these traits touch down during the trip?
I am very positive and am never afraid of encountering an adventure in my work. I make goals and form concrete steps to successfully achieve them. I tend to be very laid back and go with the flow. I will bring these qualities with me to Costa Rica. I hope to show others how to be fully present and enjoy life and the trip. When issues arise during the trip for example, I’d be there to help encourage everyone to enjoy the 'detour' for the hidden gift that it might actually be. I am grateful for every opportunity that I am given and will make the most of every minute during Global University this year!

AORE will provide full coverage of Global University 2019 during the Costa Rica trip (May 21 - 29). Daily recaps, reflections, fun travel facts, photos, and videos will be available in the AORE newsroom and on social media. Don't forget to follow along with participants as they learn and grow through each new adventure they encounter! Global University is made possible thanks to the generous support of G Adventures, our loyal AORE365 Partner. G Adventures organizes small group tours to exciting destinations all over the world. Visit the G Adventures website when you plan your next global travel adventure and get the support you need to curate a stress-free, enriching experience that brings you closer to the people, places, and cultures you want to visit. Learn more about Global University 2019