The Big Day is Finally Here!

We’ve made it!  After a year of planning - all the details, the calls, the meetings, and documents signed come together.  Team AORE travels to our conference location, several days in advance for pre-conference board meeting, setting up registration, and unpacking all other supplies and setting up. We have to bring a lot of items along with us from signs to NOBA books. We finally get to see all the hard work come to fruition. By far the biggest highlight for us is the day attendees arrive.  They are excited to get started on a week of connecting with old and new friends and are eager to learn. 

Rest assured, the hard work isn’t over for us - this is where we have to think quickly on our feet and be prepared for anything - like the best man losing the rings, ahem, I mean something like A/V isn’t working right for your keynote session (if you know you know). We also have to manage presenters that need to pull out at the last minute and then try to let attendees know that a session is no longer happening. These are just a few examples of the behind the scenes things happening onsite by the team. 

With all that being said, the very early mornings and late nights are all worth it - because we know that we gave this conference our all.  No matter the hiccups along the way, we tried to give the best possible event we could - plus, we love seeing our members in-person!

Ever have a question about AORE or what we're up to? Just ask! Reach out to us at!