Take Charge of Your Professional Development

As AORE members and potential members navigate working post Covid, some may find that in looking at budgets for 2024, organizations have decided that professional development is the easiest cut to make.  This leaves many folks with very little, if any, funds to grow professionally this year.  This makes it fairly easy to say, “My employer isn’t going to cover these expenses this year so I can’t renew or participate.” We’d counter this thinking with - this is perhaps the most critical time for you to invest in your own professional development.  

A vibrant community where everyone can connect to the outdoors is essential.  In order to do that, we need you. We need you to continue to empower others through outdoor recreation and education. This is why we encourage you to renew your membership and attend the Outdoor Professional Conference. This conference will not only provide relevant outdoor industry education in 2024, it will also provide access to relevant information to assist you in navigating your outdoor career, improve your work and leadership, and help you understand and engage in the issues that impact you and your work.

Why Should I Pay Out of My Own Pocket?
Often, when looking to answer this question, attendees focus on the cost - rather than on the return on investment in themselves.  This return may come in the form of a job opportunity, a connection made, or an expanding knowledge base which could advance your career. Consider the community you gain that helps bolster your professional network, the various educational opportunities that help you improve your own program or the additional resources that help you be a better leader.

How do I move forward from here?
Just because your employer is no longer paying for your AORE membership or registration does not mean you can’t participate.  Understanding this may be an unexpected change for your professional development and the potential impact on your personal budget. We've provided a few of our ideas below for your consideration.