AORE is a Small but Mighty Team

Did you know that AORE, the entire national non-profit organization with a mission dedicated to empowering leaders to connect people to the outdoors through recreation and education experiences, is run by only two full-time staff, two part-time staff, and a volunteer board of directors? Take a quick second to think through the last year of all of AORE’s events - networking, virtual education, our inclusive summit and an in-person conference - all powered by a very small team of dedicated people. 

If you feel like something may have been missing in any of our programming or at the Outdoor Professional Conference (OPC) - please volunteer! While we like to think we can take on the world, the reality is with a small team we can’t do everything we want to (or that you have come to expect).

Consider if any of the following opportunities resonate with you: Ever have a question about AORE or what we're up to? Just ask! Reach out to us at!