AORE Annual Conference 2020 Virtual Logo | Campfire Connections


Each year, AORE brings together a dynamic planning team comprised of volunteers living and working throughout the United States to assist in the planning and execution of the conference. This opens the door to each and every AORE member who is interested in the development and implementation of the largest and most visible program of the association.

If you're interested in getting involved at any level, in any capacity - whether as a lead volunteer or a day-of volunteer - please submit the form on this page. We will be in touch soon!

There are many ways to get involved in AORE's Annual Conference - from a leadership role through an hour of day-of-event volunteering - and all the various options in between.


Two members come together to support the action teams. Their role is to keep those teams moving forward throughout their assigned tasks. These roles serve from January/February through the conference and post-event evaluation period.

Time Frame: Jan-Nov

Time per Month: 10-15 hours

Download the Conference Chair outline.


Each of the teams listed below is comprised of one (1) to two (2) team leads and variable amounts of interested team members to support the efforts pre-conference and/or onsite. The timing of and amount of commitment varies per action team.

  • Auctions

  • Awards + Recognition

  • Career Development

  • Education + Research

  • Marketing

  • Socials

  • Sustainability


Closer to the conference, a complete schedule with volunteer slots identified will be released. Every attendee is encouraged to sign up for at least one (1) time slot, which can range from one (1) to three (3) hours. The tasks/responsibilities are easy to convey, require little to no training, and help ensure a positive attendee experience.

Thank you to those volunteers that are leading and supporting our action teams as we plan and prepare for the 2020 conference!


Lead: Dave Myers

Team: YOU?!


Lead: seeking one or two!

Team: YOU?!


Lead: Jen Siliko

Team: Kaileigh Hennard, Davy Shaw, Clayton Sheehan


Leads: Will Hobbs, Jennifer Kafsky

Research Lead: Jeremy Jostad

Team: Michael Hooten


Lead: seeking one or two!

Team: YOU?!


Lead: Steven Koster

Team: Elizabeth Johansen


Lead: Eva Dunn-Froebig

Team: Steven Koster

Our Conference Volunteering overview document (PDF) includes the three key areas outlined above plus expanded information on Action Teams.

WHY VOLUNTEER? Volunteering time to support your association's conference can be a phenomenal way to contribute and expand your skills, knowledge and networks. Volunteering also allows you to make a lasting and meaningful impact. Among other things, volunteers:

  • Articulate common values and collaborate to advance the profession;

  • Get access to training and development opportunities;

  • Enhance their experience and resume;

  • Strengthen their community and networks; and

  • Connect and network with other like-minded people.

AORE Conference - Attendee Registration

Exhibitor Registration
Conference Schedule
Pre + Post Conference Workshops

Exhibitors and Sponsors
Fundraising, Justification and Scholarships
Virtual Guide
AORE Conference 2020 - Volunteer
Online Store
About the Conference
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions
Redesigning for Virtual
Conference Videos